Gimp Screen Recorder

Figure 16.8. The Create submenu

  • I've just discovered that I can't get screenshots to capture video playing on Amazon Prime - I just get a picture of a black screen. I do know that the more general screenshot function is working, because I have a pair of monitors, and the picture on the one that isn't playing video gets captured just fine, just with a big black space on the.
  • Open up 'My Room' and make sure the box is taking up the whole screen. To take away the bubbles, press ctrl + B + B. That is you press B twice. Then you go to GIMP, click on file create screen shot. Then on the WinSnap window, click 'grab' and drag the box on to the My Room box. Now the picture comes in the back.

This is the editor, where you can edit your recordings and export it to gif, apng, video, project, images and psd. This is the default screen recorder UI. You simply move this window on top of the content that.

This menu item replaces the Acquire menu which existed in GIMP previous versions in the Toolbox Menu and contains a lot of logos, buttons, patterns...

These commands vary somewhat, depending upon your system, since the GIMP makes calls to system functions.

  • You can access this submenu from the Image menu bar through FileCreate

When you copy a selection, it goes into the clipboard. Then you can create a new image with it.

This command has the same action as the Paste as / New Image command.

The Print Screen keyboard key captures the screen and puts it in the clipboard. This command has the same action as taking a screenshot of the entire screen in the Screenshot dialog window. The Alt+Print Screen key combination grabs the active window in the screen with its decorations and puts it in the clipboard.

This command opens a dialog where you can enter the URL of a Web page and get the image in GIMP.

The command defaults to Please have a try to it.

Figure 16.9. The Screenshot window

The Screenshot command opens a dialog with two parts:

Script Fu 2.10

Take a screenshot of a single window

The mouse pointer becomes a cross. Click in the image window you want to capture. A new image is created. If the Include window decoration option is unchecked, the title bar and the blue frame around the image will be removed.

Take a screenshot of the entire screen

This is useful if you want to capture a pop menu. A delay is then necessary, so that you have time to pull the pop menu down.


Gimp Screen Recorder App

If the Include mouse pointer option is checked, then the mouse pointer and its coming with icon are also captured. The mouse pointer is captured in a separate layer. So you can move it to another place in the image.

Select a region to grab

The mouse pointer becomes a cross. Click and drag to create a rectangular selection in the image window. This selection will be opened as a new image. Its size is adapted to the selection size.


When taking a screenshot of the entire screen, the screen is captured after this delay. In the other cases, the mouse pointer turns to a cross after this delay.

Partial Screenshot In Windows 10

This item is present in Windows operating system, using TWAIN. Image input devices appear in the dialog, if they are plugged-in. On Linux, you need to install third-party XSane plug-in which will be available in the FileCreateXSaneDevice dialog… menu.

Figure 16.10. Scanner and Camera

Gimp Cursor

The kinds of devices used to take pictures are too varied to be described here. Fortunately, their use is fairly intuitive. In the example shown (under Windows 7), you can start a scanner or load an image from a camera card.

An impressive list of Script-Fus. Have a look at it!

Nov 4, 2011

I'm using GIMP 2.6.11 on Windows XP. I use 'ALT + PRINT' to capture the active program's screen and 'Edit -> Paste as -> New Image' to create a new image from the captured screen.
The problem is that the new image always shows extra lines (about 3-pixel wide) on the left side and clips the right side. I haven't verified it pixel-by-pixel, but it looks like what's clipped on the right side is displayed on the left side.
But the problem doesn't happen when I do 'File -> Create -> Screen Shot -> Grab a single window'; it shows up nicely.
Also even when I use 'ALT + PRINT' to capture, the problem doesn't happen when I paste it to a different program, such as Windows Paint or even WordPad; it happens only when I do 'Paste as New Image' in GIMP.